
Pedro Soares

Software Engineer | Tech Lead
System Architect | Data Engineer | UX/UI
Performance Manager | DevOps | CI/CD

👋 Hello, I'm Pedro Soares!

Hello! I am a software engineer passionate about technology and innovation, with a strong background in development and a strategic vision to create impactful solutions. With over 10 years of experience, I am proficient in several programming languages and frameworks, including PHP, Node.js, TypeScript, Rust, Dart, Python, C#, C, C++, Java, and Lua. My skills go beyond development to include infrastructure, cloud computing (AWS, Firebase), and security.

Key Skills:

  • Development: Experience in web, mobile, desktop, embedded systems, and game development.
  • Frameworks: Vue.js, React, Laravel, Flutter, Express, Next.js, Nuxt.js, NestJS, Godot, Unity3D.
  • Leadership: Proven ability to lead teams, work collaboratively, and independently.
  • Business Insight: Focus on creating profitable solutions that add value to end users.
  • Creativity and Problem Solving: Ability to solve complex problems simply, with a strong focus on software quality.

Mission and Objective:

My goal is to leverage my knowledge and skills to develop technologies that simplify and enhance people's lives. I believe in the power of technology to streamline processes and enable individuals to focus on what truly matters. With an agile mindset and results-oriented approach, I strive to innovate and deliver solutions that not only meet but exceed client and user expectations.


I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to apply my skills and knowledge. If you are looking for a dedicated, creative, and technology-driven professional, let's connect! Together, we can turn ideas into reality and make a difference in the digital world.


  • Flutter
  • React Native


  • AWS
  • Terraform
  • Serverless
  • Firebase


  • Tailwind
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • VueJS 3
  • Nuxt 3


  • NodeJs
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Rust
  • Asp.NET
  • Lua
  • C++
  • Laravel

Big Data

  • Pandas
  • Apache Spark


  • Unity 3D
  • Godot
  1. Senior Tech Lead / Software Engineer Currently

    NE Digital | Grupo JCPM

  2. Postgraduate Lato Sensu, Data Processing and Data Processing Technology Currently


  3. Senior Software Engineer

    Vai de Bolsa

  4. Intermediate Fullstack Developer

    Tekoa | Informação e Conectividade

    Design and develop Web systems in Laravel, Vue.js, and Node.js for lead capture and customer conversion for major partner brands.

    Develop AI-powered chat-bot (NLP) for customer support via WhatsApp.

    Fulfill the role of Scrum Master.

    Promoted to Software Engineer Senior.

    Architect, develop, and lead development team in creating a multi-technology marketing automation platform, including:

    - serverless;

    - microservices;

    - Node.js;

    - Rust;

    - PHP;

    - Go.

  5. Intermediate Fullstack Developer

    WF5 - Tecnologia e Comunicação

    Design and develop a web system for a public organization using Laravel and VueJS with microservices architecture, and a Cordova mobile application for external use. Also, develop integration of this system with the legacy system and generation of financial and management reports.

  6. System Analysis

    UNINTER - Centro Universitário Internacional

  7. Teacher

    SENAI - Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial

    Teaching classes for industrial learning groups in computer programming and local network support. I taught the following subjects:

    - Web Programming Language;

    - Database;

    - Web Design;

    - Introduction to Programming;

    - Local Networks;

    - Drawing and Animation;

  8. Computer Programmer Industrial Apprenticeship

    SENAI - Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial

  9. Computer Programmer Technical Course

    SENAI - Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial

  10. Born in 1994, October 29

    I couldn't remember any productive work in that time.