
Some of the projects I've build or been a part of.

SisDeter Enterprise System

System for managing and supervising passenger transport in Santa Catarina


Contributed to project stability by fixing a logout bug where the credentials state and keychain were still set.

Vai de Bolsa

I architected and developed the entire system from the ground up, including the frontend, backend, and partner integrations, as well as the infrastructure on AWS.

Rust Structmap Package

Contributed to the structmap package by implementing the from_stringmap functionality and fixing a bug where it panics when a struct field is not found.

Personal Website

Created this website to use as a portfolio and also to post my ideas, projects, and opinions in the blog section.

Marketing Automation Tool

My biggest project in terms of data is a marketing automation tool built from the ground up to handle high data flow, multi-client functionality and scaling horizontally.

Fluent ORM

Created by me, an ORM inspired by Laravel Eloquent that supports MySQL and PostgreSQL, designed to ease the migration of team members from PHP to Node.js.

Gato Framework

I created a lightweight framework designed to work across multiple targets and environments, ensuring security and reliability for critical systems.

Zorya Authentication Microservice

I developed a lightning-fast auth API with a simple and reliable low-latency permission system. The full implementation is in a private repository for the "Marketing Automation Tool".

React The Mask

I developed an input mask library based on the Vue.js version called vue-the-mask.

PHP PDO Driver

I developed a PDO driver to connect to the Zim language through a Unix socket.

Subtitle translation Tool

My first open-source project, created during my technical course.